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Reverse picky eating

  • 84 дні
  • 23 23
Учасники, які виконали всі завдання, отримають бейджі після завершення онлайн-курсу.

Про онлайн-курс

A 12 week, step by step programme providing you will all the tools and strategies to reverse picky eating and widen your meal options for your family. Our programme works with your child supporting and respecting them whilst using professional techniques to overcome their mealtime battles in a way that is not overwhelming for you as a parent or your child. This course is a reset button for you as parents to reset your current mealtime situations and create a brand new environment everyone can thrive at.

Ви також можете приєднатись до цього онлайн-курсу з мобільного додатку. До додатку


Одноразовий платіж
49,99 GBP
One-payment - lifetime access
39,99 GBP


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